
The Importance of Skin Checks in Brisbane

Queensland is known for its sunny weather and pristine beaches – after all, it’s called the Sunshine State for a reason. And while most of us like to spend our time in the sunny outdoors, this lifestyle does put many Queenslanders at a heightened risk of skin cancer. As a result, it’s important to have regular skin checks for early skin cancer detection and treatment. 

What Are the Types of Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer occurs when skin cells are damaged, usually from being overexposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. There are three main types of skin cancer:

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC): This is the most common of skin cancers, usually a small, shiny bump on the skin in areas most exposed to sunlight.
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC): Can appear as a red, scaly patch that doesn’t heal in sun-exposed areas. 
  • Melanoma: This is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Melanoma can develop in existing moles or appear as new, dark skin spots. 

While some people worry less about non-melanoma skin cancers, a non-melanoma skin cancer can still be dangerous. 

Why Do I Need Regular Skin Cancer Checks?

Regular skin checks are essential (regardless of where you live), as early detection increases the chance of a successful treatment. When caught early, even aggressive melanomas can be effectively treated. Skin checks also give you peace of mind, knowing that your skin is healthy, especially as Brisbane experiences high UV levels throughout the year.

How Often Should I Get My Skin Checked?

You should have skin cancer checks every 6 months to a year, depending on your skin type, your family history of skin cancer, and what your skin cancer doctor advises. When you first visit a Brisbane skin cancer clinic, your skin cancer doctor will discuss all of the above with you before examining your skin. This will help them determine your likelihood of skin cancer risk.


What Happens During a Skin Check?

During a skin cancer check, your skin cancer doctor will examine your skin literally from head to toe. You will first be asked to undress, keeping only your undergarments on, and your doctor will examine your skin with a dermatoscope to get a closer look at any suspicious spots. If there are any problem spots your doctor finds suspicious, they may conduct a biopsy, removing a small tissue sample for further examination. In some cases, your doctor will take photographs of any moles or spots to monitor changes over time. 


Once the biopsy results come back, your doctor will advise you on whether or not they need to remove skin cancers from your body. 

How Can I Protect My Skin?

The best way to protect your skin is to follow sun-safe practices. This includes wearing sunscreen and seeking shade during times when the UV is at its strongest. 

Book Your Skin Check at Carina Medical

At Carina Medical and Specialist Centre, we have experienced skin cancer doctors on-site who can perform regular skin checks for you. By coming in for regular skin checks, you’re not only looking after your skin but your overall well-being and lifestyle. Skin cancers can appear at any time, which is why it’s important to have any suspicious moles or spots checked as soon as you notice them. 


To make an appointment, get in touch with us online or call (07) 3398 8188