
  • A Reminder to Get Your Flu Shot

    It’s coming into that time of year again when the weather gets colder and immune systems need to work harder to keep your body happy and healthy. The colder months also mark the beginning of flu season, meaning now is the perfect time to give your body the boost it needs and get a flu […]

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  • The Importance of Travel Vaccinations: What You Need to Know

    While you’re enjoying planning your latest travel itinerary, it’s equally important to prepare your body for different environments and potential health risks. At Carina Medical & Specialist Centre, we offer comprehensive travel vaccination services to ensure your trip is not only memorable but also safe.   Why Travel Vaccinations are Essential Different regions of the […]

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  • Travel Vaccinations Brisbane – Do This Before Your Holiday

    If you are travelling overseas for business or leisure you’ll want to make sure you stay fit and healthy. For a safe and healthy journey, talk to our doctors about travel medicine and vaccinations.  The doctors at Carina Medical will help to safeguard you and those around you so that you can stay healthy whilst […]

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  • Flu Shots Available Now!

    It’s that time of year again. The weather is cooling off and the sniffles are getting a little more common. The flu isn’t caused by the cold weather, but it certainly has a field day when everyone’s immune systems start to get a little worn down and their vulnerability to viral infection increases.  Around now […]

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